Hamlet, Act II, Scene ii
Englisch als erste Fremdsprache knüpft an den Englischunterricht an der Grundschule an (Englisch als Kontinuum, gegenseitiger Besuche der Englisch-Lehrer des Phoenix-Gymnasiums und der Grundschulen).
Englisch am Phoenix bietet:
Der Englisch Unterricht findet in mit digitalen Medien (Computer, Apple TV, Beamer und Dokumentenkamera) ausgestatteten Klassenräumen statt. In der Schulbibliothek gibt es englischsprachige Literatur für alle Jahrgangsstufen.
Außerschulischer Lernorte sind u.a.:
Die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Klasse 7b haben im Englisch Unterricht mit Frau Ottefülling comics zum Thema 'Finding a comprimise' gestaltet. Velen Dank an Frederike Evers, Anna Weihl, Noya Berg, Greta Hildebrand, Moritz Cotta, Josefine Grewel, Lisa Petersen, Helen Schumann, Paula Wegner und Laila Sultana.
Ein Englisch Grundkurs der Q2 hat in einer Unterrichtsreihe zum Thema "Visions of the future: utopia and dystopia" einen Workshop zum kreativen Schreiben gemacht. Dabei hat der Kurs von Frau Miera sich mit den Wirkungsweisen von Social Media auseinandergesetzt und diese dann literarisch umgesetzt.
by Zeynep Acaroglu
Creative Writing Project - Class 10 (MY):
‘Summer Evening’ by Nico Fenske
'Summer Evening' by Carina Droste
These stories were inspired by “The story of an hour’ by Kate Chopin (1894) and Hopper’s painting Summer Evening (1947)
Click on the title to read the story.
Human rights - Poems Class 9 (Berge)
Everyone should own property
And be treated properly
No matter if you’re black or white
You are protected by human right
Liberty is for everyone
Not just for some
And everyone should be healthy
And get work to be wealthy.
A boy in India
has to work from 6am to 7pm
To support his family with money.
He says: We all have the same rights you hear them saying.
But where are my rights then?
A girl in Africa
Has no chance to go to school
To get a good job because they don’t have enough money.
She says: We all have the same rights you hear them saying.
But where are my rights then?
A woman in Iran
Isn’t allowed to wear what she wants
Or to say what she wants
She says: We all have the same rights you hear them saying.
But where are my rights then?
We all have the same rights you hear them saying
Is that what the same rights look like?
Lea, 9c
Everyone should have human rights
Then we’d be living nicely together
And that hopefully forever.
We don’t need war,
Just a fair law
I think that’s fair.
It doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich
If you are black or white
Everyone should have the same right.
Do you see the young man fighting
Do you see the woman crying
Do you see the young man dying
The way they’ve always done before
Do you see the hate we’re breeding
Do you see the blood we’re spilling
Do you see the fear we’re feeding
The way we’ve always done before
People in North Korea aren’t allowed to drink water
But we should all have the right to choose our government
The citizen and the dictator.
Women in India are oppressed until this day
But we all should have the right not to be reduced to our gender
The oppressed and the oppressor.
Gay people in Iran aren’t allowed to show it
But we should all have the right to express our sexuality
The LGBTs and the homophobes.
Thousands of people are killed in war these days
But we all should have the right to live
The victim and the murderer.
Too many people are treated the wrong way
But we should all have the same human rights
Because we are all the same.
Sophie, 9c
Everyone should be treated the same
Not like one gets a number, one gets a name.
Also if you are black or white
This is a human right
Liberty is for everyone
And not just for some.
Everyone has the right to live save
And not like a slave.